Monday, February 28, 2011


I've been learning to overcome my powerful fear of spiders. I posted pictures of large spiders on my computer with the intent of dulling my reactions to them. It seems to be working. I no longer feel the intense fear that I have been accustomed to all these years.
I am even thinking about getting myself a pet tarantula spider, to help me solidify the control that I wish to exert over my fear. Tarantula's are easy to maintain, and they have lifespans of up to twenty years. If I do get one, I plan to get a Mexican Red-knee tarantula, and I'll name it Megabyte. I feel very confident that my goal of no longer fearing spiders is very close to being achieved. To be honest, I believe that right now, I would be more afraid of the crickets that I would have to feed Megabyte than the spider itself (yes, I also have powerful entomophobia).

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